Wednesday 24 May 2017

If They Are Considering Chinese Massage Pittsburgh Residents Can Expect Some Wide Ranging Benefits

By Marissa Velazquez

Massage has played a important role in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. This is supported by documents dating back over 2500 years. The Chinese approach to this form of therapy is very much a holistic one, with great emphasis placed on treating the whole person rather than simply focusing on one problem or symptom. When seeking the benefits of Chinese massage Pittsburgh residents can expect to gain considerable relief from physical and emotional discomfort.

This therapy incorporates elements of acupressure, acupuncture and herbal medicine, and can be of great benefit for a variety of ailments. Patents often seek treatment in order to gain relief from pain, muscular problems and joint-related issues. However, it can also be of great benefit for those suffering with digestive and gastro-intestinal issues. The relaxing nature of the therapy also makes it hugely beneficial for those suffering from stress, anxiety, and other psychological and emotional problems.

In common with all varieties of this therapy (and there are several) is the idea of stimulating the flow of subtle energy, or 'qi' as it's known, in the body. While western approaches to massage have a purely physical and emotional focus, the oriental approach also seeks to stimulate qi and thus promote wellness. Several hand techniques are used to manipulate the body's qi as well as its tissues, and provide a deep and invigorating experience.

Some practitioners may enhance the atmosphere of relaxation and calm by using traditional music while providing treatment. They may also use devices such as back massagers, wooden rollers and rollerballs. Many practitioners also incorporate other elements of Chinese therapy such as herbs and acupuncture. These additional modalities can further enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.

In addition to relief from specific problems, patients can expect to feel very relaxed and revitalized after a session. Also, the deep manipulation involved stimulates circulation and the nervous system, and can provide significant relief from chronic pain. The immune system is also stimulated and the body's overall resilience is enhanced.

The stress-relieving benefits of this therapy should not be under-estimated. The release of accumulated tension in the body can have a profoundly positive effect on the patient's state of mind. Patients will typically find mental and emotional turmoil considerably lessened after a massage session. Long-term, this can help patients achieve a much improved quality of life.

Athletes and others who place great physical demands on their bodies can gain a great deal from massage therapy. Deep stimulation of the muscles and tissues helps with mobility and flexibility. This helps with athletic performance and helps to guard against injury. When injuries occur, treatment helps with recovery and the easing of pain.

Overall, if they are seeking the many benefits of Chinese massage Pittsburgh residents will discover a good number of practitioners who can provide this service. Aches, pains and stress can place an enormous burden on the body and mind, and often to a greater degree than people realize. When tensions are eased and the body is brought back into balance, patients can expect renewed vitality and more enjoyment of life.

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