Wednesday 26 April 2017

Discovering Health Benefits And Calories In Strawberries

Strawberries are rank high as a favorite fruit by both children and adults. This small, juicy fruit is packed with nutrition and is low in calories. Strawberries while packed full of flavor and benefits come in at forty three calories per cup. Each cup of strawberries is packed with important nutrients such as fiber, potassium, and folate. Not only are they loaded with essential nutrients but they are full of antioxidants. Foods high in antioxidants are known to help prevent certain types of cancer as well as aiding in lowering blood pressure and lower the chances of heart disease.

The berry is great when eaten fresh from the container or when used in deserts. They can be used by alone or in combination with other fruit to make tasty and healthy smoothies. The fruit is quite versatile and is a perfect ingredient for various recipes.

For a refreshing low calorie smoothie use frozen or fresh berries. Adding a little frozen or regular yogurt makes a great treat that offers great nutritional benefits. A lot of people like to eat them without adding anything to help keep the calorie value down.

The berries can be cleaned, sliced, and sprinkled with sugar or natural sweetener. When you let them stand for about a half hour the sweetener will cause the natural juices to be released from the berries. For a tasty desert you can spoon the fruit on top of a slice of angel food cake.

Glazed strawberry pie is also a favorite dessert. However, there are more calories. These calories can be decreased by using a natural sugar substitute. Whipped cream on top of a bowl of this delicious fruit will add few calories and is refreshing after a long day. Often a bowl of fresh fruit topped by real whipped cream is a favorite dessert for its ease to make.

Crepes filled with the fresh berries make a tasty brunch or breakfast dish. Instead of the rich creams and cheeses used to fill the crepes the fruit makes a delicious low calorie substitute. Use fresh berries or a small dab of whipped cream to top the crepes. You can make a topping by mashing the fresh fruit and adding sugar. After letting the mixture sit for thirty minutes you can pour it over a waffle or pancakes.

Fruit is a sweet, decorative way to garnish your dishes as well. It is a great way to add a pleasing addition to a dinner plate for any occasion by adding a few freshly cut strawberries to a meal. Many experts say it is good to add color to your meals. Sliced strawberries can be added to granola or any low calorie breakfast cereal to start a healthy day. They are also delicious sprinkled onto of a freshly made salad full of fresh greens, walnuts and topped with strawberry vinaigrette. Strawberries are so low in calories you could enjoy them with every meal, reaping in the benefits of the tasty berry.

Providing your body with antioxidants and nutrients is easy when you add strawberries to your meal plans. Because the calories in strawberries are around forty three per cup you can include them in all your meals. Use them in your deserts, with breakfast, and dinners as an alternative to higher calorie food items. When fresh berries are out of season you can use frozen for your recipes. It does not matter if the fruit is frozen or fresh; they make smoothies and waffle or pancake toppings that are tasty and nutritious.

About the Author:   By Arold Augustin

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