Wednesday 10 May 2017

Chiropractic Care and Prevention

The action of stopping or preventing injury or disease before they happens is ideal when it comes to your health. Chiropractors are experts in promoting good health, and leaders in teaching and utilizing preventative health techniques.

We routinely think of prevention when it comes to injuries from bike or auto accidents. We wear helmets, seat belts and put our children in car seats. In fact, there are laws requiring us to consider these safety precautions. Many people wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can be a cause of skin cancer.

Unfortunately, there are not laws governing many of our preventative health choices. While some drugs may be illegal, alcohol and cigarettes (known to cause many preventable diseases) are still legal to purchase in the United States, and simply carry a warning label of their potential risks.

Our food supply is full of many harmful food additives and food colorings, even though harmful effects on the human body have been proven as a result of consuming them. Unhealthy foods available in our society include pesticides, GMO's, artificial sweeteners and the super-sizing of sugary soft drinks. Many campaigns have been started to require labeling of these toxic substances, but there are currently no laws requiring such labels.

Preventative care is covered under most health insurance plans. Yearly physicals for adults are recommended and routinely covered. This regular contact with a physician establishes the doctor/patient relationship, as well as allows the doctor to be aware of any changes in a patient's health. Dentist visits are generally scheduled every 6 months to prevent tooth decay.

Regular chiropractic care can go a long way in preventing disease and injury, boosting the immune system and aligning the spine. Most people mistakenly think chiropractic care is only needed AFTER an accident or injury occurs.

Preventative chiropractic care does not have a set protocol like dentistry. Many factors come into play, such as your overall health, activity level, nutritional intake and your leisure activities, in setting a preventative care schedule, including the treatment type and number of visits needed. The treatments most often recommended for preventative care include: spinal adjustments, exercise rehab, laser therapy, massage therapy, nutritional and wellness coaching, and/or acupuncture.

Athletes and people with physically demanding jobs may especially benefit from preventative chiropractic care. Your body can best protect itself from injury when working at its peak performance. If an accident or injury should occur, your body will be able to heal faster if you have been receiving regular preventative chiropractic care. Your chiropractor will give you a preventative care schedule after assessing your needs.

About the Author:  
By Michelle Caron


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