Tuesday 16 May 2017

Have a Glowing and Soft Skin with Homeopathy!

{For health queries, mail to- contact@drshreya.com} 

Having a glowing complexion is everyone’s dream. And we all do so many things to achieve it. When it comes to skin nobody wants to take chance; but everyone takes chance with so many different skincare products available in the market. We are not here to judge which products and good and which are not. But I am sure most of you have fair share of negative remarks about such products, after using them.

Why do so many skincare products give us negative results?

  • First of all, we do not seek professional advice before opting for the skincare products available in the market. We jump to the new bandwagon of products once they are launched on television or magazines.
  • Secondly, we do not know about our own skin. I have often seen people telling me- “I have a very oily skin doctor”, when I find the skin dry and flaky on examination. Many people go on the basis of appearance after they apply make up and can’t really judge their skin types.
  • But most importantly the lacuna lies somewhere in our health that depicts on our skin. And these skincare products do not annihilate the negativity lying in the body. They obviously do the superficial work that is visible on the surface. But the inner bodily disharmony doesn’t bother this superficial work and attacks the skin that is the primary and the biggest organ to get affected by internal disturbances.

So, what should we do?

Does that mean all skincare products are bad? Well, not really if you intend for temporary results. For example, if you have a marriage to attend to, you obviously will go for a product that speedily puts your acne on backburner and gives you a temporary fresh and supple look. But remember the acne that you have put on the backburner. It is going to affect you again sooner or later. And we should definitely aim at alleviating the skin problem permanently.

  • Get back your body homeostasis on track. This is the first thing you should aim at before resorting to any treatment.
  • For this, drink maximum quantity of water (at least 10-12 glasses/day in tropical countries). This will naturally hydrate your skin that is crying for conditioning and suppleness. No external moisturizer can do the work of plain water. Truly the best things in the world are free! J
  • Another good thing you can do for your skin is get moving. More you work out regularly; more anti-oxidants will fight the free radicals that damage the skin along with the other vital organs.
  • Eat right. This is a crucial step to nourish your skin with necessary vitamins and minerals. Seek expertise if you need any additional supplements to replenish the deficiencies for stipulated duration.
  • And go for natural therapies like homeopathy.

Homeopathic Help for Skin is Holistic!

Homeopathy doesn’t consider skin as a separate organ but part of the whole “YOU”. Therefore, homeopathic doctors give (or should give) enormous importance to your constitution, that is, your physical, mental, and emotional built up, while dealing with your skin problem. The root cause of your skin anomaly definitely lies deep within, that need to be traced by your physician. Once this is done, you will be prescribed accordingly. Do not hurry up the things with your doctor if you want perfect cure. And do not think that your homeopathic medicines are going to act slowly. They will not, if you have given all your details to your physician properly. In many cases I often find that, even within the first dose, patient reports us with positive feedback. It may be the case of acne, dermatitis, eczema, facial discoloration, warts, or just dry skin. Even in conditions like psoriasis, lichen planus, and intractable acne rosacea, homeopathy works pretty fast if the case sought is complete and prescribed accordingly.

One thing is sure! If you seek homeopathic help for your skin condition, it rarely happens that you get the same problem again after it is completely annihilated. Moreover, we often find that the overall skin texture is improved, the dark spots are visibly reduced, and the skin glows naturally!

It’s a dream completely achievable with good lifestyle and homeopathy! Try it!

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