Friday 5 May 2017

Long Island Chiropractors Helping Those With Migraines

By Ali Summers

How are you enjoying the summer heat wave? Are you out with the kids at Jones Beach or are you at home? Is the Long Island summer heat and humidity triggering your headaches and migraines? Instead of missing out on the summer, why not visit your local Long Island Chiropractor to help you?

For many the start of migraine is a stiff neck and then a dull throb in the head. Then there is the cloudy vision and sensitivity to noise which turns into a pounding sensation. In order to stop the pain many turn to over the counter medications or even prescribed medications. As if that didn't help, then you there are the side effects of the medication to make you feel worse.

Do you feel hopeless every time a migraine comes around? A chiropractor can help you get rid of these terrible migraines. Start by visiting a chiropractor who will perform an extensive examination. Based on your history and what they find they will be able to find out what is the cause of these migraines. Most of the time a simple misalignment of the vertebrae is the cause.

Chiropractors will do adjustments to realign the vertebrae. Doing this will help decrease the stress and inflammation that is on the vertebrae. The spine won't be the only focus as the chiropractor will also help alleviate muscle tension in the neck. With regular adjustments the chiropractor will pinpoint triggers and develop strategies to help avoid these triggers.

You won't be the only person who should benefit from chiropractic care. After a long school year a child looks forward to the summer months. Many times they won't tell you but they are still carrying the tension of the school year. After many months carrying a heavy back pack they can have developed poor posture and tensed shoulders.

It is a good idea to take your child to a chiropractor during the summer months so that they can adjust a misaligned spine and rid themselves from tensed shoulders. Not only that, but going to a chiropractor will prepare them for the new school year. They will also discuss alternative ways to ease the stress on their backs.

Why not enjoy the summer out at the beach with your children? Chiropractic care is drug free and safe, so why not benefit from it? Seek your Long Island Chiropractor today to rid yourself from headaches and migraines today!

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