Monday 15 May 2017

The Ins and Outs of Hyperactivity in Children

As a parent, loving your children is an instinct that comes natural. Of course certain circumstances arise when you get frustrated and impatient with them like if they are particularly hyperactive, do not beat yourself up about it. There are special ways to handle them that have proven effective by many experts and fellow parents. Here are some tips on how to manage hyperactive children anybody can use.

1. It is important that you set a structured schedule pattern for the child. All children will benefit from having a routine, but more so if he or she is inclined to be hyperactive. If they get used to a particular way or time on how to do things, then they will fall into the pattern more easily. For instance, if you consistently tuck them in bed at 8pm and wait for them to sleep; then they will be conditioned to sleep at 8pm.

2. Establish an understandable set of rules that the child should learn to abide by. Go down to their level, look them in the eyes, clearly explain what behavior is expected of them and make them know the resulting consequences of not following these. Let them repeat back to you what you just said. Be firm in dealing with hyperactive children so that they learn and do not stray from favorable conduct.

3. Not every minute of your day should be spent in following rules and schedules. It is also good to spend quality time with your child without any agenda but to have fun and bond with them. Read him a book, bring him to the local playground or hang out with him in your backyard and find out the simple joys and pleasures that make up his world.

4. Hyperactive children have a seemingly boundless supply of energy in them which often makes for exasperating moments when focus is needed. Manage this by implementing time for physical activity. Running, basketball or any other form of exercise help in letting out excess energy and also improve their mood.

5. Some things that are common to us may trigger sudden violent reactions from hyperactive children. Loud and unnecessary sounds and overly animated videos lead to wild and hyper behavior. Avoid this by keeping television to a minimum and closely monitoring the television programs they view.

6. When managing hyperactive children, use positive reinforcement as opposed to punishment or excessive scolding. Hyperactive kids oftentimes receive a lot of negative attention which don't do anything to help them. Children always respond better to praise and when they get affirmation, they will look for ways to please you more with good behavior.

Often, parents feel helpless and at a loss on how to deal with hyperactive children. You need to remember that because they don't possess the same capacities normal children do so they don't always mean to do the things they do. Follow these simple tips and let them know how much you love them every time you can.

About the Author: By Stacey Warner

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