Tuesday 18 April 2017

The Diet Solution Program Review Change The Way You Think Of Diets

The Diet Solution Program Review - Change The Way You Eat Forever

For those who have read my other dietary reviews you will be aware that losing weight and healthy living requires two ingredients; nutritional diet and regular exercise. The two are inseparable and can not be of benefit in aiding long term weight loss if we take one without the other. And just as important, is the change necessary in one's lifestyle. You can not improve your life without a change in your ways of doing and being.

Change your lifestyle -change your life. Bearing that in mind how does The Diet Solution Program measure up? Does it help with nutrition and a healthy eating plan? Does it promote regular exercise? Is it a lifestyle changing program? The Creator Of The Diet Solution Program: The Diet Solution Program is the creation of Isabel De los Rios, who has a Certification in Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a college degree in exercise physiology. Based in New Jersey, Isabel De Los Rios is a nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle coach.

Isabel De Los Rios wants to give dieters a way to change their eating habits for life and develop a long term eating strategy, rather than just a temporarily diet. What Is It? The Diet Solution Program is a holistic program that addresses the mind and the body in the weight loss strategy. The Mind: We are asked to think about our goals not just in weight loss, but to consider the lifestyle we want to achieve and set our minds on this goal. It seems as if Isabel knows where the mind goes the body will follow. The Body:

The Diet Solution Program addresses the fact that there are 3 different body types and sets out a guide to the recommended food groups for these different body types. The program also comes with 3 exercise eBooks for regular exercise to assist in weight loss. How Does It Work? The Diet Solution program begins with getting you in the right mind set. Setting your goals down on paper and encouraging you to set your mind not just on weight loss but on changing your lifestyle. The Diet Solution is a program based on the principle that losing weight starts with understanding you body's metabolic type. Through a serious of questions, you will learn what body type you are. It then categorizes dieters into three groups; each group requires its own distinct dietary guidelines.

The three metabolic types are: protein, carb, or mixed - From then on The Diet Solution Program is targeted to your individual needs and metabolic type. The nutritional portion of The Diet Solution Program involves a 6 week meal plan suited to your individual metabolic type. Each metabolic type will be recommended the appropriate meal plan and portion sizes. You are encouraged to eat 3 main meals and 2 snacks per day.

The program will help to fine tune or customise your protein or carb intake according to your body's needs. And an Omega 3 supplement is recommended. The meal plans will guide your food choices at the supermarket and calorie counting is not required. Isabel De Los Rios says "If you eliminate the foods that don't suite to your body type, you will lose weight". Exercise is covered in 3 eBooks that come with the program and Isabel recommends a regular dose of strengthening and cardiovascular training. Dieters who exercise generally tend to lose the weight faster than those who don't. The program comes with a quick-start guide, daily meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, frequently asked questions, and a journal for tracking your success. The Benefits:
  • No need to take weight loss supplements, join a gym or undergo a crash diet program,
  • All body types are addressed and the correct food guide and meal portions are recommended to suite,
  • Teaches dieters how different foods affect their body,
  • Includes meal plans and yummy recipes,
  • A money back guarantee if you are not happy with the program.
The Negatives:
  • Isabel uses the program to sell other upgrades to the program.
  • There are no provisions for vegetarian meals.
Final Word: The program is based on current scientific research into weight loss and healthy nutrition. This is not a crash diet but a long term weight loss program and as such requires dieters to be patient and stick with it. It teaches not only how to lose weight but how to change you're thinking towards food choices.

Click Here To Read More Reviews

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_Widmark

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