Wednesday 31 May 2017

The Hypothyroid Diet Vs Eating Plans That Are Low In Calories

By Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski

The Hypothyroid Diet Vs. Low Calorie Diets

How does the hypothyroid diet compare to a low calorie diet?

If you happen to have hypothyroidism, odds are, you are probably having a hard time dropping pounds.

Weight gain is a very common sign of this condition. When this is not the sole symptom of hypothyroidism, it is considered to be a very telling development.

This condition should actually be termed hypometabolism because hypothyroidism invariably results in diminished metabolic functioning.

Like most people who have hypothyroidism, you probably attempt to drop pounds by dieting. The most common type of dieting is to implement an eating plan that is low in calories.

Dieting becomes a problem when the diet is either repeated, or the diet focus is restricting calories.

Why The Hypothyroid Diet works better than a low calorie diet

This is a very natural and understandable strategy because most people think that eating less will cause them to weight less and while this does work, it is usually only effective early on in dieting.

Initially, the numbers on your scale change - which creates optimism.

Problems arise, however, when the numbers stop dropping and dieters get frustrated. Many people find themselves tempted to cut their calories even more.

Eventually you go OFF the diet due to frustration.

The result is a few pounds lost, frustration, and a lower metabolism or hypometabolism.

Going on a low calorie eating plan can lower the thyroid hormone by as much a half, which will in turn slow the metabolism by 25 to 40%.

When you go off the low calorie eating plan and return to your normal way of eating things start to change.

At this point, your body has a lower metabolism because of dieting. However, you resume your old eating habits. Now you will regain the weight you lost, plus more.

This is so frustrating!

It can take years for your body to resume its normal metabolism after dieting. This is the danger of a low calorie diet.

The hypothyroid diet on the other hand optimizes your metabolism. It enables the body to burn more calories because the body is running more efficiently.

If you optimize the performance of your metabolism, your blood sugar will stabilize and your body won't store fat. Inflammation will be lessened because food sensitivities will be gone. You will also have fewer internal toxins.

People can have more energy, gain mental clarity, have fewer pains and headache, experience improved digestion and lose weight and keep it off.

Instead of cutting calories to drop pounds fast, you should thing about using a program like the hypothyroid diet to start optimizing your metabolism.

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Cost of Eyelid Surgery

Improve Your Vision Naturally Without Glasses, Contacts, or Surgery! Click Here To Find Out More...

In the past, the cost of eyelid surgery was one of the biggest prohibitive obstacles for people who wanted to undergo the procedure, but these days that cost has deflated somewhat, opening up the option of eyelid surgery to a wider group of people. If you have bags around your eyes or drooping eyelids, you might be one of the many people who stand to benefit from cosmetic eyelid surgery. This is a procedure that's done by thousands of people each and every year, and there is actually very little risk of side effects, especially when compared to other types of invasive cosmetic surgery.

Of course, it's usually the cost of eyelid surgery that plays a role in the decision process more than anything else. You need to make sure your budget can support not only the surgery itself, but also the medications you'll need afterward and the timer away from work during the recovery phase after the surgery is completed. All of these factors add up to a whole that is much higher than the surface cost of the procedure, so you have to take everything into account when you're calculating how much you'll be spending on your eyelid surgery.

The fee quoted by your surgeon will usually cover the cost of the anesthesia, the surgeon, and the use of the facility. The cost of eyelid surgery will also vary depending on how intensive the work needs to be. Some people only want either their lower or upper eyelids worked on, while other people need work to be done on all four of their eyelids. During your initial consultation you'll be able to get a general idea of how much you will need to pay for the surgery, although that number can change by the time you actually schedule an operating day. Make sure you get the full amount before pledging to anything your budget won't be able to cover, and again factor in the extra costs as mentioned in the first paragraph.

For lower and upper blepharoplasty, the medical term for eyelid surgery, the average cost is around $2,800, which will likely fluctuate depending on what state you are in. Since that number is an average, you'll be able to find plastic surgeons that charge less if you look in the right places. To break the cost of eyelid surgery down into manageable parts, that fee usually covers the anesthesia cost, which is usually between $400 and $900; the fee for the facility, which usually hovers around $1,000; and the cost of the surgeon himself, who may charge over $1,000 for the simple hour long procedure.

Of course, if you want both eyelids worked on the cost of eyelid surgery will be much higher, usually a little above $4,000. It's actually more cost effective to have both of them done at the same time because the facility fee will stay the same and the anesthesia fee should only go up a little bit. You're really only paying extra for the surgeon's time.

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Cost of Eyelid Surgery to Protect Your Eye Sight

View the original article here

Friday Q A Wrist Flossing

Q: I teach a chair yoga class. Last week I led my students in the "wrist flossing" exercise described on this web site (see Featured Sequence: Wrist Flossing for Wrist Care) and also in Timothy McCall’s "Yoga As Medicine."

A new student came up after that class to challenge me in using this sequence. She had had carpal tunnel surgery 6 months ago. She said that her surgeon said that people should never, never, never, put pressure on their hands while bending the wrists back, and that the wrist flossing we did was very dangerous. Her surgeon apparently says that bending the wrists back on their own is OK, but applying any pressure is very wrong. My student claims that poses like down dog, plank, even being on hands and knees, would make her surgeon shriek in horror.

If someone has no wrist problems, is there any danger in such positions?

I told my student that she is free to avoid doing such movements but that I will continue to have the class do the wrist flossing exercise occasionally. But I wonder...when should this NOT be done?

A: I want start by saying that for students with healthy wrists, wrist flossing, done appropriately and not excessively, poses no danger to the wrist joint, nor for that matter should positions such as Downward-Facing Dog pose, Plank pose, Cat/Cow pose or other positions when the wrist is in the position known as "extension." Having said that, keep in mind that too much of any position could be a problem if someone has sensitive wrists that are prone to episodes of soreness or pain.
Wrist Flossing
Secondly, I would point out that the yoga teacher who developed wrist flossing is also a chiropractor who sees many, many patients who present with wrist pain and overuse issues related to the wrists from computer work and other repetitive activities. You can read more about Tom Alden in Timothy’s book, but he claims to have good results in improving function and decreasing pain teaching this technique. I have had a few students with wrist pain from excessive keyboarding or activities like rock climbing, which is intense for the hands and wrists, and have taught them wrist flossing without problems, and with improvement in their symptoms.

I cannot comment directly on what your student’s surgeon said or implied (since I was not there!), although it sounds like the student felt the warnings were quite serious. I will comment on the wrist movements she referred to: “bending the wrists back on their own is OK, but applying any pressure is very wrong.” Bending the wrists back on their own into “extension” in situations when your wrists are not bearing weight, for example, with your right hand when you arm is in the air, and you do this with the muscles in right arm and hand area alone, is called “active range of motion.” If you then, at that point in your wrist’s range of movement, bring your left hand over and bend your wrist more deeply into extension by applying pressure with your hand onto your right hand, the wrist will likely go a bit further. This additional movement is called “passive range of motion,” and it could allow you to stretch your forearm muscles a bit more deeply, which could have a nice benefit. However, if I were significantly injured or just out of surgery for carpel tunnel syndrome, I’d want to be very cautious of this, as it could aggravate things. Even with the wrist flossing instructions that I learned, the emphasis is on using the passive range of motion on the wrist that is bending into flexion, not the one going into extension.

I hope this additional information will allow you all to feel more comfortable teaching and/or doing wrist flossing.

Finally, yoga teachers should always encourage students to let them know about injuries, surgeries and health issues at the start of every class. And yoga students should please let your teachers know ahead of time what is going on with you! It sounds like the student that the teacher wrote about didn't let her teacher know about her wrist problems until after class. This happens to me all the time and is a bit frustrating—so hard for me to offer modifications after the fact! 


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Goodbye Lotus Pose

by Nina
Trees in the Ocean by Brad Gibson
Today in my weekly yoga class, my teacher asked me to demonstrate a pose—Marichyasana 2—that I used to be able to do. But because the arthritis in my right hip prevents me from taking Half Lotus position (which I used to do with ease), I had to turn him down. It got me thinking. Naturally, not being able to get into Half Lotus on one side also means that Full Lotus is also unavailable to me. Even if one day I get a hip replacement (I’m hoping that won’t be necessary because so far I’m not getting any worse, thanks in part to yoga), I still won’t be able to do Lotus. So, well, that’s it for me, folks! 

As some of you may know by now, I’ve been working on non-holding (see Non-Holdiing (Aparigrapha)) by getting rid of objects that I have no use for but to which I have an emotional attachment. So I decided today that I should just let go of Lotus pose (and all its variations, such as, Arda Padma Paschimottansana) in the same spirit. And I said to myself, “Goodbye, Lotus pose.”

For most of us long-time yoga practitioners, some poses that we used to be able to do will become inaccessible to us as we grow older. And in a culture that tends to value the ability to do showy and athletic yoga poses, this can be hard. I recently wrote a special post for a reader who felt terrible sadness about what she saw as the loss of her practice (see Practicing with Pain). People who start yoga later in life may just need to rule out certain types of poses entirely. Yet the ability to do these kinds of poses has no relationship to the rewards we can reap from the practice.

A few days ago, a long-time friend who is in his late seventies was telling me about how he had to give up tennis, which he loved, because it was so hard on his joints. But the thing about yoga is that even as I let go of certain showy poses, I’ll never have to give up the practice. The rich repertoire of poses, modifications, and props ensures that people of any ability will benefit from the practice, even those who are profoundly disabled. If you can breathe, you can do yoga.

And the practice of letting go of poses we can no longer do or poses we will never be able to do—of non-holding—may help strengthen us to weather the other losses that life inevitably holds in store for us with equanimity and grace.

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Guide To Probiotics For IBS

By Patty Goff

The intestinal colonization by biotics is temporary and ends a few days after cessation of their employment. The benefits described in the various studies are not always to be understood as general effects of probiotics for IBS. Every effect is attributable only to the single strain or individual strains tested in that regard. If a supplement with probiotics has yielded positive results in a study of a particular benefit.

Containing these microorganisms and therefore fresh pro-biotics are yogurt, other fermented milk products, buttermilk and other. One of the benefits of probiotic foods is improving balance. They help to improve symptoms and problems such as fatigue, trouble defenses, breast feeding and strengthening the immune system.

Probiotic bacteria survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract and are implanted in colon or small intestine and help to improve the health of dairy products. Pro-biotics affect less people with impaired lactose. Repeated consumption probiotic yogurt in relatively large amounts has a therapeutic effect against Helicobacteria.

But the two enzymes present in such products do not play a beneficial role in human organisms because they die as soon as they come into contact with the gastric juices. According to FAO / WHO guidelines, good bacteria are defined only those microorganisms that can demonstrate, when ingested in adequate amounts, exert beneficial functions in body.

No type of product containing pro-biotics has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for medical indications. A 2010 study suggests that any positive effects of probiotic therapy in the prevention of secondary infections, a common complication of antibiotic therapy, may result from the fact that the ingestion of foods containing good bacteria helps to keep the immune system called, first, that the helps to counteract the negative effects of the disease and the intake of antibiotics.

It has been speculated that antibiotics can "mitigate" the immune system, while probiotics him back to a state of alert, more ready to react quickly to new infections. Pro biotics are also useful in reducing the effects of infectious diarrhea in children, especially in Western countries where rotavirus infection is the main cause, and shorten the duration of diarrhea for a few hours or an entire day can be significant.

A probiotic strain widely studied in this context is that the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG was able to reduce the duration of infectious diarrhea supported by rotavirus, common pathogen in children and an important cause of hospitalization. The guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics 2010, as in 2008 the guidelines (Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) indicate that for the treatment of acute diarrhea the beneficial effect is strain-dependent and that Lactobacillus GG is to date the most effective probiotic, which already if administered at onset of acute diarrhea, is able to reduce the duration of about 1 day.

A probiotic microorganism can you say if it meets the following requirements: is safe for use in humans: a useful reference in this sense can be a list of bacterial species presumptively classified as safe by EFSA (QPS). In any case, the probiotic micro-organisms should not be carriers of antibiotic-resistance acquired and / or transmissible. It should be active and vital in the intestine in sufficient quantity to justify the possible beneficial effects observed in studies of effectiveness. Be able to persist and multiply in human gut. Be able to confer a physiological benefit demonstrated according to the criteria reported in FAO or WHO documents on evaluation of pro-biotics for food use.

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Practicing Yoga Mindfully

by Nina

Raindrops and Reflections by Nina Zolotow
Although it’s a rather new concept, approaching yoga poses as a mindfulness practice is a very powerful tool for improving your physical and mental health. Whether you are trying to change your eating habits, reduce your stress, or heal from disease, learning to listen to your body is crucial. In his wonderful book Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn points out what happens if we simply operate in automatic-pilot mode:

"One very important domain of our lives and experience that we tend to miss, ignore, abuse or lose control of as a result of being the automatic-pilot mode is our own body. We may be barely in touch with our body, unaware of how it is feeling most of the time. As a consequence we can be insensitive to how our body is being affected by the environment, by our actions, and even by our own thoughts and emotions. If we are unaware of these connections, we might easily feel that our body is out of control and we will have no idea why."

Kabat-Zinn goes on to say that physical symptoms are the messages your body is giving you that allow you to know how it is doing and what its needs are.

"When we are more in touch with our body as a result of paying attention to it systematically, we will be far more attuned to what it is telling us and better equipped to respond appropriately. Learning to listen to your own body is vital is improving your health and the quality of your life."

And one of the best ways to pay attention to your body systematically is to bring mindfulness into your asana practice. I, myself, have learned to recognize certain physical symptoms that tell me when I’m overstressed (for example, a burning feeling in my chest). When I experience those sensations, I know it’s time for me to scale back temporarily and practice the yoga poses that calm me down. In my interview with Elizabeth (see Meditation and Healthy Eating) about mindfulness and eating, she talked about learning, from both meditation and asana practice, to recognize when she was actually hungry versus thirsty or had low potassium and that has helped her lose and keep off 50 pounds.

So how you make your asana practice a mindfulness practice? Kabat-Zinn writes:

"We practice the yoga with the same attitude that we bring to sitting meditation or body scan. We do it without striving and without forcing. We practice accepting our body as we find it, in the present, from one moment to the next. While stretching or lifting or balancing, we learn to work at our limits, maintaining moment-to-moment awareness. We are patient with ourselves. As we carefully move up to our limits in a stretch, for instance, we practice breathing at that limit, dwelling in the creative space between not challenging the body at all and pushing it to far."

If that’s not enough—or if you have fallen into a rut with your practice that’s putting you in automatic-pilot mode, I have some specific suggestions:
  1. Practice yoga at home. Practicing on your own, without the distraction of the teacher telling you what to do you or other people in the room, forces you to pay more attention to your own experience of being in the poses.
  2. Pick a single physical sensation to follow throughout your entire practice, whether it is the quality of your breath in every single pose, the even distribution of weight on your feet—the balls as well as the heels—in every pose, or even something more arcane.
  3. Change your routine. If you do practice at home and are in stuck in rut, try doing something different. Practice on the left side first instead of the right. How does that feel? Or, do all your twisting poses, even all the standing the poses, without turning your head. Twist from your spine only and leave your head looking down at the floor. Notice how hard that is, and how different your neck feels.
  4. Try using props if you never have. See what difference it makes. Or, if you use props regularly, try a different height (lower or higher) or try practicing without props for once and see what a difference that makes.
  5. Try holding poses for longer periods of time than you usually do. Notice the resistance that comes up in your body (as well as your mind).
Anyone who has additional suggestions, please chime in!

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How to Eat More Nutritiously

Nutrition can mean many different things to different people, depending on their outlook and view point. Good nutritious food doesn't have to taste bad. In fact, it can be quite tasty! If you follow the guidelines in this article, you'll be able to eat healthy and look good.

Be familiar with the different types and varieties of carbohydrates. A common misconception is that all carbs are unhealthy. This statement is utterly false! Your body needs complex carbohydrates to function effectively. Knowing these differences can help you to figure out what choices to make the next time you go grocery shopping.

Portion sizes and knowing when you are full are part of proper dieting and nutrition. Your metabolism will slow down as you get older, and you should adapt your diet accordingly. If you can listen to your body, it will prevent overeating.

Don't overdo it on the condiments. Use healthy alternatives instead of fatty and sugary choices. Opt for condiments with fewer calories and less fat. Salsa adds great flavor to a baked potato. Likewise, mustard is a healthier alternative to mayo. Eating healthy doesn't have to mean you give up taste; you just choose alternatives that add a different flavor.

Fruits, seeds and nuts are healthy, nutrient-rich snacks. They all contain proteins, minerals and compounds that they need to grow healthy. Their makeup is complex and provides a lot of nutrients for your body. This is what makes them nutritionally valuable. To get more seeds, nuts, and fruit in your diet, try a homemade trail mix.

Two roadblocks to getting into shape are a lack of motivation and an inability to begin an exercise and diet regime. Try to enjoy your exercise time. Consider these interesting suggestions.

It is best to prepare nutritious food for your child to carry for lunch. By packing cold lunches, you can be assured that your child is getting a healthy lunch. While school lunches provide a meal, you do not know what, where, or how it is prepared. When you pack a lunch yourself, you have total control over what goes into it. When you opt to let your kid buy lunch from school, you don't have much say in what they have to eat.

Teaching your children good eating habits is easier when you get creative in the kitchen and make learning fun. For example, you can cut healthy foods into fun shapes with them using cookie cutters. In addition to providing your child with an entertaining activity, you also give him the added incentive of eating healthy food because he helped to prepare it. If you mix in some dried fruit with a favorite whole-grain, low-sugar cereal, you can make a very nutritious trail mix with you child.

When enjoying restaurant fare, be sure to get the dressing on the side. Oftentimes, fats and preservatives that can be done without are included in dressings. You should choose oil and vinegar if possible, because the oil is good for your body, and vinegar is very heart-healthy.

It isn't that bad, is it? Granted, there is a lot of nutritional information out there. Sometimes you need some help to know where to start so you can apply this to your own diet. You are now well on your way to better nutrition.

About the Author:     By Villette Martiniu

Discover How You Can Buy Mushroom Growing Kits

By Jaclyn Hurley

There are different types of plants. However, certain plants are popular as gardening crops due to their numerous benefits. One of such crops is the mushroom. Most people love and admire it since it is very soft and tasty. The plant has also gained popularity due to its suitability in most international recipes. If you desire to plant mushrooms you will only need to buy mushroom growing kits.

Some people desire growing plants, but lack of enough land to plant such plants limits them. In case you are one of such persons, you can relax. This is because; with the right kits, you can plant many mushrooms in a small space. This will ensure that you do not spend a lot of money in buying a land.

Some people think that finding these pots is very demanding. However, this is not the case. You can buy these pots while at the comfort of your home from people who go around homes selling them. You can also buy these pots from supermarkets around your area, curio shops, and other local retailers.

Before you buy these plant pots, you should bear some crucial aspects in mind. Firstly, it is important to find out if you value these plants. You should extend this to your family members. In case, you and your family members do not value these plants, it would not be essential to plant them since you would not care for them. You should embrace them as crucial plants and begin to grow them.

After being in consent with the members of your house, you will need to know the size of the house. This is because; the size of the house will help you determine the size of the pot that you are to buy. In case you have a house that is small, consider buying pots that are small to avoid squeezing them.

Like any other plant, this plant will requires supply of enough water to grow as required. As a result, while purchasing the pot., ensure that it is deep enough to hold water. If you have a busy schedule, you can avoid having to water the plant all the time by buying a big pot. This is because; a big pot will hold a lot of water, thus saving you the energy and time of having to water the plants on daily basis.

As much as you may want to keep the plants in the same place, you will require lifting them sometimes, especially when doing general cleaning. Pots with weak and delicate handles may not be easy to lift. You may find yourself with having to drag the pot. To avoid this, invest in pots with strong handles.

It is common to find that some people are reluctant to grow this plant because they do not know the benefits that come with this plant. However, knowing the benefits of growing the plant will motivate you in taking care of the plant. For instance, eating this plant helps you gain minerals that are essential to your body. You can also lose weight if you include this plant in your menu. In addition, feeding on this plant can help you keep off some illness.

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The Reason Bounce House Rentals Are So Popular

By Linda Ruiz

Lakeland FL is full of businesses that rent out different types of party items. The bounce house rentals are the most popular among these businesses. The are rented for all types of things such as birthday parties, family reunions, school functions, just about any event that is going to have plenty of kids there because kids love them and it keeps them busy so that the adults can visit.

You have probably noticed that when you go to a fair their is always a bounce house there. This is because children love them so much that they stay busy at that fair ride so the make a lot of money. They are very big so many children can get in together so the kids enjoy having lots of other kids to play with. The kids love to run and bounce off the sides.

They make these things very sturdy so it is almost impossible for a kid to bust one. They do ask that the kids take off their shoes before getting in because shoes could cause a rip in the material or even hurt another child. When you have twenty kids jumping around it is best if they don't have shoes on.

When you go to rent one they will give you a list that says what you can and can't do with their product. You will also need to have a down payment to give them along with the rental charge. You will get the deposit back when you return the merchandise undamaged.

The amount you pay to rent one depends on how long you want to rent it for. Some of them can be a little expensive but others are quite affordable. They are not all designed the same so some of them cost more than others. If you are throwing a party for a little girl then you could rent one that is shaped like a castle.

There are some that look like dragons that little boys would love. You can also find some shaped like a carousel. There are some that have spongebob squarepants and hello kitty on them. You will be so surprised at the amount of bounce houses to pick from. There are even some that are in the shape of a house.

It is important that you know what your child likes before you go pick out a bounce house for their birthday party. Some boys like spider man, well that is not a problem because there are spider man ones too. They also have some that come with slides.

They also have obstacle course ones. The kids find their way through the course while bouncing. Most kids enjoy the obstacle course because they get to bounce and play in an obstacle course. There are even churches that rent this for fund raising events.

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Side Plank Pose for Scoliosis Challenge Conclusions

by Nina
 In the fall, I read some compelling about Dr. Loren Fishman’s study on using Side Plank pose (Vasithasana) to improve scoliosis (see Side Plank Pose (Vastithasana) Could Reduce Spinal Curves in People with Scoliosis!). Because I myself have mild scoliosis, I decided to experiment by doing the practice myself and I issued the Side Plank Pose for Scoliosis Challenge on November 17, 2014. I said that I was going to be doing the pose as Baxter recommended: twice on my convex side (the left side for me) and once on my concave side (the right side for me). I asked you to join me and report back on the results of your experiments.

On December 11, I wrote an update on my experiment so far Honestly? Progress Report on the Side Plank Pose Challenge. At that time I said that because the pose was causing me wrist and hand pain and that I had come to dread practicing the pose every day that decided I would no longer practice it six or seven days a week. I said that because I knew that practicing a strength building pose three or four times a week is often enough to build strength, I decided to go for a more modest strategy of practicing only every other day, which felt much safer to me. And when I told Baxter about the modifications I was making, he wrote me:

“I agree that doing the same pose every day is going to produce some problems for students in the wrist, elbow or shoulder on the weight bearing side, although Loren denies that was a problem in their study.”

Are you wondering what ever happened to me since then? Unfortunately, things got worse for me. Before I go into it, I want to say that I learned that the type of scoliosis I have, low lumbar scoliosis, is very rare (only about 5 percent of all types of scoliosis) so I have a feeling that the people in Loren Fishman’s study did not have the same type of scoliosis that I do. And the feedback I’ve gotten so far from our readers showed that none of them developed the problems that I did. But the truth of what happened to me—despite my hopes and best efforts—is that this practice did not work for me.

Basically what happened was my low back pain got worse. And the last time I did Side Plank pose, I felt a terrible twinge just as I was going into it. So I used common sense and stopped practicing the pose entirely. Then I went to see my favorite MD/yoga teacher for an assessment to see if he thought I was having any serious back problems. After running me through the usual medical tests, checking for disc problems, etc., Baxter (yeah, it was him—I’m lucky, right?) concluded I had no serious problems. But he recommended that I should give up the Side Plank pose experiment permanently as it did not seem to be helping me.

Since then I’ve gone back to practicing Side Plank pose the way I used to do it, about once a week, once on each side, for upper body strength building. And it now feels fine. 

Of course, I’m a bit disappointed I didn’t find an easy yoga solution for my scoliosis, but I’m also realistic to know that everyone has a unique body, and that works well for one person might not work for another. 

How about you? Are you still practicing? If so, how are you doing? And, if not, why did you give it up?

By the way, if you'd like to listen to Loren Fishman and Ellen Saltonstall discuss the original study, Yoga U Online now has a free download of there discussion here. And since we now have good photos of all four versions of Side Plank pose, I thought I'd include them all in this post. For information on practicing them, see Featured Pose: Side Plank Pose (Vasithasana).

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Tips On Home Health Care Harrisburg Pa

By Jordan Schmidt

It is always important to ensure everyone is in good health. This is mostly the young ones who may not know more about life. The elders too who may be of age cannot be left out as well. This brings in the essence of home health care Harrisburg pa, Pottsville pa city. This would help in ensuring that the elder one are not abandoned. This is especially when the relatives may not have enough time for them. This may be out of the tight schedules that they could be having. Below are some of the issues that ought to be considered.

The knowledge required that a practitioner has is very important. In most cases the elderly may require some nursing services. It thus means that they have to be trained on how to handle them in any way. In such a case there has to be a tangible evidence that have the qualifications. To be more precise a well-known institution is preferred.

How long that one may have been in this field may as well be important. This is important as it helps in determining the level of experience they have. Through experience one may be in a position to acquire more skills. This may not be possible during the training session. Its thus prudent to have an experienced practitioner rather than a fresh graduate.

For any kind of business operations to be undertaken there has to be some permission from the authorities. This could be done through the issuance of a license. It is normally done after a payment of a certain legal fee. This may as well be renewable after a certain period of time. This could assist in ensuring that the clients receive legal services without any worries.

Its also good to look at the flexibility of the practitioner. This would help them in ensuring that their clients will always have enough time to be care of. It thus means that they ought not to have too tight schedules. They ought to always be there whenever their clients need them. This is especially due to the fact that the elderly require more attention.

The code of conduct is usually very important. It plays a great role in setting up the reputation that one has. A good conduct as well as maintenance of a good rapport with others helps in achieving this. This would help in ensuring that practitioner can as well be trusted. It can as well help in ensuring a better relationship even after the contract has been terminated.

Description of the contract is very necessary. Through this it would be easier for both parties to be aware of the terms and conditions to be applied. The terms f payments can as well be clear. Clients should thus ensure they have what is affordable to them. Through this they are able to avoid any sort of financial constraints and ensure they are in a better condition even after the contract.

The information given above is important. It creates a room for individuals to evaluate what they would like their loved ones to have. It contains more of home health care Harrisburg Pottsville pa. It is thus not wise to ignore it.

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Why Liver Flush Is Beneficial For People Across All Ages

By Martha Bell

Everyday a new type of treatment is born because people these days need more than one type of healing. When one part of the body is ailing the rest of the body falls along too. As a result medical expenses have grown higher than ever.

Thus most end in situations that have repetitive patterns and consequently people find it too challenging to get out of. Challenging situations such as having chronic pain around areas in the body, and frequently visiting the doctor is one thing that people rant about. However if Liver Flush could help many people improve their health then why are some afraid of taking advantage of that miracle drink.

This miracle drink is essential made with fruit juices and oil that is natural. And it is usually mixed with other ingredients such as magnesium sulfate, citrate, chloride, coke, and egg yolks. There are at least fifteen types of recipes for the flush, and most users have experienced that their moods have improved and restlessness diminishing gradually.

People who have experienced the benefits of drinking this miracle juice found out that they feel much better. Aside that their skin has improved as well as their hair, immune system, and have increased levels of energy. Not only do patients feel this way, but have seen the results appear on their body as their weight gradually sloughs off and most look younger than their actual age.

However the dosage of this concoction is relative to your body weight. Therefore if your body weight is around thirty to forty kilograms then drinking have of this beverage is suitable for you especially for younger people and tiny adults. Hence note that your weight tells you more about the dosages.

But the best way to dig deep into this issues are to read as many legit reviews as you can because it might be too unreal to be true, and you might be led elsewhere. In other words your body might not like the therapy and the likelihood that it will reject the treatment is very high. Hence many doctors and dieticians have spent many years researching and studying it.

It is recommended to drink the flush three times in a day. There are a few rules in drinking this through out the day. Guidelines that will keep you in touch with your health. Breakfast and lunch should not have any fat or spice and must be light.

Starting the flush on a specified day remember never to eat anything fatty or spicy especially during breakfast or lunch. Rigorous physical activities should be avoided at all cost, but walking is allowed however running is a big no. Other things to remember is to avoid drinking pills, food, or vitamins.

However you can hydrate yourself with water but a small amount of will do. And once you start feeling hungry and thirsty then it is important to prepare the juice around nine pm so that by ten you drink it slowly. It may feel uncomfortable however walking around can improve the feeling.

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Tuesday 30 May 2017

Reasons Women Should Consider Martial Arts In Arizona

By Daniel Hayes

There are a lot of similarities in martial arts and physical defense especially where defensive skills and hand movements are involved. This will help the individual in protecting themselves from any external attack. Women and men from different parts of the world have enrolled in classes of martial arts in Arizona. It entails energetic attacks that may cause injuries to the body. However, as time passes by, you will develop resistance and learn the essential techniques.

According to a survey that took place recently, the number of women enrolling for karate classes far outweighs that of men. To many women, this is a basic class that helps in developing self-defense skills that will be helpful when dealing with a harsh situation. The training entails various techniques and strategies. One thing that you will love about martial arts is that they provide several advantages to your body. Some of them are listed below.

Acquiring self-defense skills is the first benefit. When learning martial arts techniques, the first motto is learning self-defense techniques that will prevent you from getting hurt when in a dangerous situation. You are taught how to be defensive by the trainer. You will learn how to use movement appropriately without getting hurt in the course of action.

Health improvement is another advantage. Research has proved that practicing karate and improving on the techniques and postures will help in dealing with cardiovascular problems. Your heart rate will be improved which in turn help in good blood circulation. Having a healthy heart comes with several advantages. First and foremost, is that you will deal effectively with issues such as breathlessness, lethargy, and fatigue.

Your body will have a balanced mechanism. The main objective of the instructors is that the techniques of the training are mastered. With time, you will notice that your balancing skills have improved. While performing the steps, you will learn how to balance using one leg.

Another important benefit is improved body fitness. When you go for the classes on a daily basis, your body fitness will improve drastically. Another good issue is that you will effectively control your weight and not deal with problems like obesity. This means that you will no longer have to worry about your weight. The martial arts will check on your body weight.

The flexible body is another thing that will be enjoyed. The main benefit of these classes is that they ensure different parts of the body are exercised at the same duration. This, in turn, improves how your muscles will be flexible. Perfect gait and proper posture are other positive aspects that will be achieved. You will easily deal with small injuries. Your body will not be broken down by minor injuries.

Discipline and a balanced life are other important qualities that will be gained. In addition to learning how to be defensive, good concentration techniques are taught. Concentration skills will develop with time. When you improve your attention skills, you will be a good listener. Furthermore, you will not only control your aggression but also emotions. Those are the positive attributes that are provided by karate.

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Friday Q A The Safety of Headstand Sirsasana

Q: There is a lot of controversy these days about the safety of Headstand. What is your opinion about its safety?

A: Just recently, I read an article by Grace Bullock, Ph.D., E-RYT 500, Headstand and Neck Safety in Yoga: What You Need to Know about a recent study Sirsasana (headstand) technique alters head/neck loading:Considerations for Safety in the Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies.

In the study, researchers in Austin, Texas, observed a group of experienced yoga practitioners entering Headstand (Sirsasana), maintaining the pose for 5 breaths, and then exiting the pose, using specialized techniques and technology to measure the forces at work on the neck and head area. The practitioners had one of three ways of moving into Headstand, as shown in the illustration above: 
  1. straight legs going up together
  2. bent knees going up together
  3. bent knees, going up one at time

In all three groups, the amount of weight born by an individual’s neck and head was 40-48% of his or her total body weight. This is in contrast to the assertion is often made by yoga teachers that in this pose the neck and head bear very little of the body weight and the arms bear most of it. Now, can you imagine a 163 lb. person, like me, regularly carrying a 65-78lb. weight around on the top of his head and it not leading to problems in his neck?

They also observed that the longer the practitioners were in the pose, the more weight their heads and necks were bearing, and they were only in the pose for 5 breaths, around 30 seconds or so. Now, most classes I attend that include Headstand have you in the pose for a minimum of two minutes. So, using myself as an example again, this would mean that as time goes on the weight on my head might start to be more like 80-90 pounds.

The investigators also were able to observe side-to-side shifting of the weight on the head and neck during all three the phases of the Headstand, and although it was less noticeable in those that could go up and down with both legs straight, this side-to-side shifting did happen in all three methods of moving into and out of the pose. And the more side-to-side shifting that occurs, the higher the risk of injury is to the neck structures and tissues.

Keeping in mind that these were all experienced practitioners in the study, I can surmise that new and inexperienced practitioners are likely to be putting much higher pressures on their necks and have a lot more shifting of the weight on their necks in the learning process, thereby increasing their chance of injury.

Following an incident where my car met a deer on a country road a few years back, my neck did not come out of the encounter unscathed. So I have let go of Headstand, as it typically worsens my neck symptoms. I have also dropped it from my teaching because of my concern that the risks of doing full Headstand outweigh its benefits, especially in light of the safer poses I can substitute in its stead, such as Forearm Balance (either Pinca Mayurasana or “Headless Headstand”) or using a Headstander prop. Forearm Balance and using a Headstander provide some of the same benefits of an inversion that Headstand provides, reversing the blood flow and encouraging return of venous and lymphatic fluids, all without the risk of cervical injury. In addition, using the Headstander prop for longer holds adds the calming and grounding effects some people experience with Headstand.

So this new study confirms my personal and professional preference in this regard. And, in her article, Grace points out several other contraindications to doing Headstand that are important to remember: osteoporosis/osteopenia, hypertension, glaucoma, detached-retina, pregnancy, menstruation, cervical injury or dysfunction, heart conditions, or other serious medical diagnoses.

Regular readers of our blog know that I believe yoga is generally safe and well tolerated by most people. But there may be a few exceptions, such as Headstand, where we need to be more discriminating about who learns and practices it. If you are going to practice Headstand, you may want to work towards the straight legs entry and exit, as that method had slightly lower pressures on the neck than the other two ways. Grace provides some good guidelines in her article, which I agree with, that you can check out on your own at Headstand and Neck Safety in Yoga: What You need to Know.


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Medical Breakthroughs From Liposomal Formulation

By Kristen Baird

Among the major areas of care fixated by people is their health. As such, advances in medicines are duly welcome and highly appreciated. Progress in research of various diseases and development of drugs to help curb them is always a good indicator. One such aspect of progress has been noted in liposomal formulation.

There has always existed the problem of ingested drugs being digested before reaching their intended target areas in the body. The process of these formulations was discovered as scientists were looking for a solution to this problem. In this solution, the drug would be closed in and protected by a layer of phospholipids and aqueous solution.

Liposomes bio structure is favorable. They are mainly aqueous at the core. This is close in by a layer of phospholipids. Various strains have different types of phospholipids they could be either natural or synthetically prepared in a laboratory. This provides an ideal state where both extremes of drugs can be safely transported, by either attaching to the liquid core or the lipid outer layers.

Researchers have found the process of formation of these compounds may be critical to their performance. They are formed when strands of phospholipids are put in water, and a given heat amount is directed to them. The composition of the formed liposomes is tested against that of this drug it is intended to carry, so as to determine compatibility and avoid destructive reactions.

Advances like these have led to researchers getting further progress in the field. The most famous result being an anthracycline drug known as Doxorubicin, developed specifically to curb the spread of various variations of cancer. It inserts strains of base RNA and DNA into the malignant cells, and also the topoisomerase enzyme in later stages. This actively inhibits the spread of the disease.

It is due to advances in the medical field that control of many diseases is not a reality. Terminal illnesses previously viewed as a death sentence are now controllable and some even treatable. Research on cancer and liposomes has led to development of anti-cancer drugs an their carriers. The development has brought about continuing tests and usage of doxorubicin, paclitaxel, cisplatin, lipoplatin, aroplatin among others.

The study of liposomes has also led to development of vaccines and various other treatments. Various diseases and medical conditions which previously had no cure can now be vaccinated against. Such developments have established Epaxal, a vaccine against Hepatitis A, and Inflexal V, a vaccine against several types of influenza. A vaccine known as Stimuvax against lighter forms of cancer is in the offing.

The use of liposomes as a carrier for dietary supplements is a newer idea that I undergoing further research. The idea is to use the same technique as the currently successful targeted drug delivery to deliver various supplements taken orally to specific areas in the body. This is however still undergoing research and testing. The use of liposomes in creation of various drugs and vaccines has led to a huge leap in terms of drug research and development. The process of the formulation has thus been lauded as wielding enormous potential for development of better medical solutions for a lot of persistent medical conditions.

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Important Facts On Gastric Banding And Sleeve Gastrectomy

By Martha Foster

Lifestyle changes are highly recommend as ways of losing weight and remaining healthy. Unfortunately, these two are not effective in everyone and there is often a need for other options. Surgical weight loss procedures such as gastric banding and sleeve gastrectomy have increased in popularity in New York in recent years due to their effectiveness and safety profile. The two are types of bariatric surgery.

The two types of procedures are restrictive surgeries. This means that they reduce the size of the stomach which effectively reduces the amount of food that it can hold. Persons who have had the procedures begin to have early satiety which reduces their food intake. Over time, they begin to lose weight since most of the food that is eaten is used to provide energy and very little, if any, is stored as fat.

Gastric banding is achieved by use of a silicon band using laparascopic approach. When the band is slipped onto the upper part of the stomach (the fundus), it squeezes it to leave just a small outlet. The estimated capacity of this pouch is one ounce of food. Laparascopic procedures, use small entry points (ports) that result in smaller scars later on. This is in contrast to open surgeries in which large incisions have to be made.

The band is usually connected to the skin using a small plastic tube. This helps the surgeon (and the patient) to exert some control over the band. By injecting or removing saline (or water) into this tube, the pressure that is exerted on the stomach can be increased or reduced as desired. An increase in the squeeze may be needed if the rate of weight loss is too slow. A reduction may be needed, on the other hand, if there are adverse side effects of the operation.

The results of gastric banding greatly vary from one person to another. Studies show that most people achieve weight loss of between 40 and 50% in a few months. While it is a generally safe procedure, there are a number of side effects that one should anticipate. Those that are most commonly encountered include vomiting, nausea, minor bleeding and infections. Adjusting the squeeze helps reduce the nausea and vomiting.

Sleeve gastrectomy (or gastric sleeve) refers to the surgical removal of a part of the stomach. This may be as much as 80%. The remaining stomach is a tubular pouch which closely resembles a banana. This method helps reduce weight in two ways: reduced capacity of the stomach and faster movement of food (hence less absorption). The shape is also believed to influence gastric hormone production such that one feels less hungry.

Sleeve gastrectomy is safe for use in children and adolescents. There are no adverse effects on growth for children aged less than fourteen years according to studies. The main side effects of this operation include leakage, aversion to food, vomiting, esophageal spasms and infections among others. With time, the stomach may dilate. This occurs over years and is rarely a cause for worry.

The two bariatric operations are usually done as day cases. You can home on the same day that you are operated. One can resume their daily routine within 24 to 48 hours. The general advice is that one remains on light diet consisting of mashed up foods and liquids for at least two weeks. Soft foods and the regular diet follow thereafter.

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Altamonte Springs Sciatica Issues Alleviated With Chiropractic Therapy

By Nelson Clodfelter

Nerve compression can be a very painful issue. In fact, this is a problem that can have a significant impact on your ability to get things done and on your overall life quality. Fortunately, you can obtain natural and rapid relief by receiving chiropractic care in Altamonte Springs.

Your provider will work to identify spinal subluxations that are placing excess pressure on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve can become compressed by vertebrae that have moved or been moved out of their normal positions. The resulting pain can travel down from the buttocks all the way down the back of your leg. This can make both standing and walking nearly impossible to do.

Sciatic is an issue that will often abate all on its own. Addressing pressure on the spine by improving alignment is an effective strategy for expediting the natural healing process. Reducing nerve compression and alleviating subluxations can also have a very positive impact on the functionality of the immune system.

A good chiropractor will use a variety of techniques to reduce discomfort and increase your mobility. He or she will like perform manual adjustments so that displaced vertebrae are effectively repositioned. Massage can also be used in conjunction with these adjustments so that stress, tension and pressure are greatly reduced.

In addition to manual adjustments, these professionals often use special forms of chiropractic equipment. For instance, ultrasound therapy is great for reducing the inflammation and discomfort that is often caused by sciatica. Inversion tables will produce immediate improvements in nerve compression by elongating the spine.

One major part of these services is teaching people how to protect their spines by adopting healthier life habits. Changing lifestyle factors that are contributing to alignment issues will help you retain the benefits that you gain from this care over the long-term. These changes can include limiting repetitive motions at work or adopting better, safer strategies for bending or lifting heavy items. The right changes can help your body function and feel better overall.

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Lavender Neck Wrap Pain Relief

By Jeannie Chapman

Stressful situations may cause tension to build up in the muscles, especially those along the shoulders and upper back. If left untreated, it not only results in aching pains and discomfort, but may also disrupt one's natural sleep patterns. A lavender neck wrap is a product that is designed to handle these physical effects of emotional pressure.

Filled with a mixture of all natural substances, this product is a chemical free way to treat pains and other problems. They are usually shaped as a rectangular packet, a horseshoe or a tube and are filled with aromatic lavender and some sort of grain like wheat, flax seed or buckwheat hulls which are great at holding heat or maintaining cold. There are several ways to used these wraps.

When sealed in a ziplock bag and placed in the freezer overnight, this is the perfect alternative to an ice pack for quick relief of muscle strain and pains. Warmed in the microwave for less than a minute turns the packet into an excellent heating pad. They can be used on knees, elbows, shoulders, neck or any other part of the body.

Aside from the grain product which maintains the desired temperature, there is another factor that makes this such an effective pain and tension reliever. Aromatherapy is the act of using scents to evoke certain feelings or achieve particular health benefits. This is not theory, but rather it is scientific fact that some smells have the power to affect emotional conditions.

Lavender is one of the most popular scented herbs in the world. It has been used in a multitude of ways other than in tension pads such as in oils, baking, lotions, teas and tinctures just to name a few. It's fragrance has the ability to calm one's nerves, decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure and even relax a person enough to facilitate sleep, even in those suffering from insomnia.

There are multiple ways this herb may be prepared in order to treat several ailments. As a living plant or when dried and crumbled, it emits a beautiful aroma that is very effective at helping those dealing with health issues such as insomnia, restlessness, depression and anxiety. The essential oils created from it are great for treating toothaches, headaches, sprains, itching, sores, hair loss and as an insect repellent.

Some of the other purposes this herb is commonly being used for are as an antiseptic, an analgesic, expectorant and antidepressant. It has also finally been recognized as an effective part of the various treatments utilized for ailments such as acne, nausea, vomiting and pounding migraines. This fragrant plant has also been recorded as assisting in the battle against cancer and dementia.

Using a lavender neck wrap to reduce tension and achy muscles will not only soothe the pain but may also provide other emotionally based benefits. This ingenious mix of fragrant herb and temperature controlling grains products allows one to target the treatment to a specific joint or body part. While calming the pressure of strains with heat or coolness, the aroma wafts in to calm nerves and relax the mind.

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